Monday, April 11, 2011

More Marine PT

The Navy Detachment exercised with the Marine Detachment this morning at the Defense Information School, participating in the Marine Corps Combat Skills Test.

The exercise was part of an on-going relationship between the two services, said Chief Currey,  the Leading Chief Petty Officer at the Navy Detachment here.

The Combat Skills Test consists of a ¼ mile sprint (under 5 minutes). After the run is an ammo can lift, followed by the CST Lanes Course. The course consists of a 100 yard sprint, j-hook, high crawl, modified high crawl, rescue drag, and  100 yard firemans carry. The second lap consists of carrying two 15 pound ammo cans, throwing a grenade, and carrying the ammo cans back.

The top Navy time was 2 minutes, 20 seconds for lanes.

“It felt like I got sacked by a whole football team,” said one sailor. “[Completing] It really showed Navy determination and pride.”

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