Sunday, April 3, 2011

Smithsonian - Air & Space

Three students from the Defense Information School visited the Air and Space Museum of the Smithsonian Institute in D.C. Saturday....

Oh wait, this is the weekend, I don’t need to write in AP style! Ooh-rah weekend!

In all seriousness, we had a great time at the museum yesterday. It was kind a spur of the moment thing, we just hopped in my car and headed down to DC. It was a bit of a rainy day, the perfect kind to spend in a great museum. We spent a lot of time looking at the Sea & Air power exhibit.

I think one of the coolest things there was the space capsules... These were the REAL THINGS! They’ve actually been farther out and faster than any other manmade object, wow...

Then again, they’ve also got cruise missiles, medium range ballistic missiles, and predator UAV’s on display... Something to give you a big of pause.

I’ll throw some photos up later tonight, for now I want to finish writing one of the articles on how life is here, and get some laundry done. 

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